Laws of the Game

Mini-Soccer (Under 7, 8, 9, & 10)

League Rules, Directions & Procedures Season 2021-22

This is not a comprehensive 'Laws of Mini Soccer' as published by the FA.

In August 2018 the FA introduced an electronic Mini Soccer Handbook which included the Laws of Mini Soccer. The Law Numbers quoted below (which differ slightly from the previous versions) are taken from that Handbook. Set out below are the rules, directions and procedures of the League: the variations are as permitted. 


         Under 7 & 8:  5 aside playing development games and trophy events.

       Under 9 & 10:  7 aside playing development games and trophy events.


a) Both boys and girls may participate in all age groups, qualifying ages;

     Under 7 after 31st August in the current year, youngest players must be 6 before 1st September in the current year, together with those who attain the age of 6 during the playing season will be classed as Under 7 players for that playing season.

     Under 8 after 31st August in the current year, youngest players must be 6 before 1st September in the current year.

     Under 9 after 31st August in the current year, youngest players must be 7 before 1st September in the current year.

     Under 10 after 31st August in the current year, youngest players must be 8 before 1st September in the current year

b) The League will issue registration cards and these must be made available to the opposing team manager at the beginning of the game.

c) Each Under 7 or 8 team may register 10 player’s maximum, whilst Under 9 & 10 teams may register 14 player’s maximum.

3.    GENERAL:

a)  The Laws of Associated Football applying to Mini-Soccer shall apply unless detailed below.

b)  The Rules of the Tandridge League shall apply to registration of players and producing registration cards.


Results for the Under 7, Under 8, Under 9 and Under 10 age groups must be input to the League Website no later than 6.00 p.m. on the Sunday of the game – as directed by League Rule 21.B in the handbook.

Match Cards for Under 7, Under 8, Under 9 and Under 10 must be sent to the appropriate Match Card Secretary to arrive no later than the following Friday.

5.    REFEREE:

It is the responsibility of home teams to provide a suitable person. The visiting team can be offered the option of supplying a referee.


Under 7 & 8 the recommended pitch size is 40 x 30 yards at Under 9 & 10 the recommended pitch size is 60 x 40 yards.

The 5 aside pitch will be divided into two halves with a centre spot on the halfway line. The penalty area will extend 9 yards from the goal-line and be 16 yards wide. A penalty mark shall be 7 yards from the goal line opposite the centre of the goal.

The 7 aside pitch will be divided into two halves with a centre spot on the halfway line. The penalty area will extend 10 yards from the goal line and be 18 yards wide. A penalty mark shall be 8 yards from the goal line opposite the centre of the goal.

THE BALL (Law 2):

The ball should be size three (3). It should be safe and made of leather or other suitable material.


An Under 7 & 8 team will consist of five (5) players with a maximum of five (5) substitutes. A minimum of four (4) players will constitute a team. An Under 9 & 10 team will consist of seven (7) players with a maximum of five (5) substitutes. A minimum of five (5) players will constitute a team.

Up to 5 substitutes are allowed. Substitutions may be made on a ‘roll on’, ‘roll off’ basis. i.e. once a player has been substituted he may be allowed back on the field of play at a later time. All substitutions must be made with the prior knowledge of the referee and whilst the ball is out of play.


Players must wear shin guards and goalkeepers must wear a distinguishing playing top. Shin guards must be covered entirely by the socks. Players must wear the appropriate clothing depending on the weather, but hoodies are not allowed. Correct footwear must be worn for the surface of the pitch e.g. no metal studs on artificial pitches. Shirts numbering is not compulsory.


The authority of the referee:- Any person who referees a game of Development Football has full authority to apply the Laws of Mini-Soccer even if they are not a fully qualified referee.

The referee should always help the players to learn the game by explaining their decisions and to facilitate the learning of the players, should, for example, allow young children to take a second attempt at throw-in if the first is not within the Laws. Assistant referees are not required.


In any one day, no Under 7 or Under 8 shall play more than 40 minutes. It is the responsibility of the parent /carer or organisation to ensure that a child does not exceed this.

In a day, no Under 9 or Under 10 shall play more than 60 minutes. It is the responsibility of the parent/carer or organisation to ensure that a child does not exceed this.

Matches for age groups from U7 to U10 can be played in either quarters or in halves as agreed on the day between the teams..

The half time interval must not exceed 5 minutes

All team members should receive equal playing time where possible, with the best practise recommendation of at least 50% per player for each game.

Under 7 & 8 will play 20 minutes each way with a 5-minute break.

Under 9 and Under 10 will play 25 minutes each way with a 5-minute break.


A kick-off is taken at the centre of the playing area to start the game and after a goal has been scored. The ball can be kicked in any direction. Opponents must be 5 yards away from the ball and in their own half of the field. In Mini-Soccer a goal cannot be scored directly from a start or restart of play.

A dropped ball to restart the match, after play has been temporarily stopped inside the penalty area, takes place on the penalty area line parallel to the goal line at the point nearest to where the ball was located when the play stopped. No goal can be scored direct from a dropped ball.


Normal rules apply, as per Laws of Associated Football


Normal rules apply, as per Laws of Associated Football.

OFFSIDE (Law 10):

There is no offside.


Normal rules apply, as per Laws of Association Football. However in Mini-Soccer all free kicks are direct. A free kick is awarded to the opposing team if the goalkeeper;

a)  Takes more than 6 seconds to release from his/her hands

b)  Touches the ball again with his/hers hands after it has been released from his/hers possession, and has not touched any other player.

c)  Touches the ball with his/her hands after it has been deliberately kicked to him/her by a team mate.

d)  Touches the ball with his/her hands after he/she has received it directly from a throw in taken by a team-mate.

For all these offences, the free kick should be taken from the penalty area line, parallel with the goal, at the nearest point to the offence

FREE KICKS (Law 12):                

For all free kicks opponents must be five (5) yards from the ball.      


Normal rules apply as per Laws of Association Football

Positioning of the Ball and the Players

All players except the defending goalkeeper and kicker must be outside the penalty area and at least five yards from the penalty mark. The ball must be kicked forward.

THROW INS (Law 14):

Normal rules apply, as per Laws of Associated Football.

The role of the referee is to allow young players to learn the game. This may involve letting the player take throw-ins again, if incorrect technique is used. The referee should ensure the same player attempts a second time, with guidance and help from the match official.

GOAL KICKS (Law 15):

A player of the defending teams kicks the ball from any point within the penalty area.

Opponents must retreat to their own half until the ball is in play.

The Defending Team does not have to wait for the opposition to retreat and has the option to restart the game before should they choose to..


The opposing player must remain at least five yards from the ball until it is in play.

The Kicker may not touch the ball again until it has been touched by another player. If he/she does, a free kick is awarded against them.

The Ball is in play immediately when it enters the field of play.

POWER PLAY (Applies unless both teams mutually agree, before kick-off, not to use it)

Development football is designed to create the best learning and fun experience for young players. To ensure an imbalance in ability does not spoil this, the FA has approved 'Power Play'.

– Power Play is available through all mini soccer football formats 5v5 and7v7

– If a team is losing by a four goal difference they can put an additional player on – so 5v5 becomes 6v5.

– If the score returns to less than a four goal difference the team takes off a player. It does not have to be the last player to come on.

– If a team goes on to be losing by a six goal difference a further additional player can be added – so 6v5 becomes 7v5. If the score returns to less       

   than a six goal difference the team takes off a player

– The main aim of the Power Play option is that all players are being challenged and enjoying the game.