App Match Card Procedure

    • Electronic Match Cards on the Tandridge App

      All Managers and Assistant Managers are asked to ensure they are fully conversant with Rules 20J and 20K describing the Match Card procedure.

      Follow these rules and you will not incur needless fines. Match card procedure will safeguard your players against infringements of League Rules.

      Please Note: - Only players who have been properly registered in accordance with Rule 18 may take part in matches.

      Important Information

      Prior to the start of the season, Team Managers and their Assistant Manager must

      • Go to your phone's App Store
      • Find and install the Tandridge App
      •  Ask your club secretary or fixture secretary to email you with your registration code
      • Run the App and from the "My Teams" page, click the white 'plus' at the top
      •  Enter your email address, select your club, enter your registration code you got via email and select your team
      • Click the green "Add" button 

      The Registration Code is unique to the relevant manager or assistant and enables the designated person to access the App Match Card for their team. The code should not be passed to anyone else and should be used only by the designated club official

          If you are the manager, or assistant manager, of additional teams, you will need a code for each team to register it on the App and managers and assistants must have been named on the App at least 8 days prior to the game before they are able to use the App.

          For more information about using the App, please refer to the Guidance Notes on this Website. (Go to ‘Help’ in the main website tool bar).

      The person designated to complete Match Card Procedure must follow these guidelines: -

      1.  The Match Card Procedure must take place before the game commences

      2.  The Team Manager or Assistant will apply the Match Card Procedure

      3.  Player registration cards must be provided to the opposing Team Manager/Assistant in order that the players can be properly identified and entered onto the match card

      4.  The Team Manager/Assistant will enter the 5 digit Player Registration Number (including any zero as the first of the five numbers) for each opposition player present and who has been identified by the Player Registration Card

      5.  A player or team whose registration card(s) are not available for inspection by the opposing team shall not be permitted to take part in the match unless a ‘Permission to Play’ (P2P) e-mail has been issued by a senior league Officer and any such player(s) without card or P2P will be deemed ineligible (See League Rule 18N)

      6.  A player who arrives after the commencement of the match shall be eligible to play, after match card procedure has been carried out

      7.  If there is a discrepancy when entering an opposition player’s information, you must report this by using the Match Card Remarks Box to detail the discrepancy. You should not stop the player from taking to the field of play if the opposition manager insists, he/she is eligible. The League Secretary will investigate this situation as a matter of urgency

      8.  On the conclusion of the game the Team Manager or Assistant must ensure the match card contains the following information before it is sent: -

      a.  Opposition Players Registration Numbers for each player present and identified by the Player Registration Card

      b.  Final match score

      c.   Referee Name

      d.  Referee Mark

      e.  Confirmation of who checked the opposition players ID cards

      f.    Confirmation of the person in charge of each team and whether the opposition used the App or an Emergency Match Card

      g.  Sportsmanship Marks for opposition Officials, Players and Supporters

      h.  Confirmation of the time the game kicked off and concluded

      i.    Confirmation that the match was played in full

      j.    Confirmation that the Match card procedure was done for all opposition players. The Manager/Assistant Is responsible for endorsing this information is correct by ticking the appropriate box on the match card

      k.  Any Comments that the Manager/Assistant wished to make

      9.  On the completion of item 8a to 8k the said Manager is then responsible for submitting the match card electronically to the League immediately upon the conclusion of the match.


      • Teams found not to have carried out match card procedure as detailed above shall be liable to a fine in accordance with the Fines Tariff
      • Any Team Manager who regularly fails to carry out match card procedure in accordance with this rule shall make his club liable for a charge of failing to comply with an order or instruction of the Management Committee and be dealt with under Rule 6D
      • In the event that it is proven to the satisfaction of the Management Committee that both teams breached League Rule 20J and/or 20K in failing to complete the Match Card procedure, the game in question may be declared void
      • Match Cards NOT received or late will result in a fine of up to £15.00
      • Failure to provide an accurate score will result in a £10.00 fine
      • Failure to provide Referee Mark will result in a £10.00 fine
      • Failure to provide Sportsmanship Marks will result in a £10.00 fine 
      •  Any other omissions on a match card may result in a £5.00 fine per omission per card